Direct Sensing Services

Geccotec offers high-quality, cost-effective field service solutions and support to environmental and mining consultants who are serious about delivering definitive solutions to their clients’ problems.

Our solutions consist of powerful, specialized, technologies and techniques that enable site investigators to more effectively meet their clients’ environmental challenges.

With an increased demand for results, today’s site investigations rely on high-resolution site characterization tools and techniques coupled with dynamic work strategies and detailed Conceptual Site Models. Dynamic investigations are far more effective than traditional, soil boring/monitoring well and fixed-laboratory investigations.

The most efficient high-resolution investigations use tools that generate real-time (or near real-time) data in continuous vertical profiles which are incorporated into the conceptual site model and used to dynamically guide the investigation to completion. Investigations utilize both screening level data and high-quality, fully defensible data to provide a cost effective site investigation. Geccotec’s integrated site investigations solutions provide a flexible and reliable platform for meeting this unique challenge and delivering defensible results. Our systems can be operated by standard CPT units or Direct-Push machines.

Geccotec’s Integrated Site Investigation Solutions include:

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